Download and develop

User backend v.1.0
Open Images is being developed as an open platform to be used and improved by others.
Based upon MMBase and developed in Java it uses mainy other open soure tools like FFmpeg, FFmpeg2Theora, MySQL, Apache Tomcat and ImageMagick. Besides being multi-language and that its advanced search is enabled by Lucene, it uses HTML5 video and audio tags to play media but has a fallback for less able browsers using the Java applet Cortado and the Flash applet Flowplayer.
The Open Images Platform is free software and is released under GNU General Public License version 3.
Download OIP
Our latest release of the Open Images Platform is version 1.2.1. It can be downloaded from our files directory.
The download includes installation instructions. Basically you will need a Java web application server like Apache Tomcat to run it and a database like for example MySQL to save your content. Besides that tools like FFmpeg and ImageMagick are needed to transcode media that is uploaded into the application.
Checkout sources
The sources are available on GitHub and can be cloned for example out with the following command:
$ git clone
Questions, bugs
Any comments and questions will definitely be related to the use or configuration of MMBase. So please direct these to our mailing list or visit us at our irc channel irc:// Issues can be found in our bugtracker but please file new issues you care to report at GitHub
Release 1.2.3 on GitHub
A new release is available on GitHub. This one is mainly about security fixes and contains some upgrades and other related updates.
Release 1.2.1 on GitHub
Move to GitHub and a new release
We have moved the source repository of Open Images to GitHub. And while we were at it, we created a new release in Git of Open Images version 1.2.1.
MMBase svn was not fully being maintained and hosting the source at GitHub has several advantages over doing it yourself. Besides that Open Beelden is now at home at the Git repository of Beeld en Geluid itself, the original publisher of Open Images. We fully maintained all svn history by using svn2git to migrate the svn repository to git.
New Open Images release 1.2

Media editor in v.1.2
We just released a complete new update of the Open Images platform.
Main new features include a new API to post media into the platform while users are being authenticated with an API token. The API first featured during the Celluloid Remix contest, enables users to have Open Images download media for them from other sources, in this case the remixer. Authentication is done with an encrypted API token.
This release is based on the recently released version 1.9.6 of MMBase.
Other features included a revamped user interface, a new field 'hasform' to describe the originale media source, true transaction support (with MySQL InnoDB), portal editors, a 'keep me logged in' feature etc.
See the release notes for some of the details.
New release version 1.1.1
We've released an update prior to starting to develop Open Images version 1.2.
This release includes some new features and of course some bugfixes.
Fixes and improvements include issues related to the various translations, the OAI-PMH API and some others like that media filenames and usernames no longer support spaces to avoid problems generating urls etc.
The cool thing is of course that I'm publishing this release information on the same software it refers to ;-)
Open Images v1.1
We've released Open Images v1.1 with a ton of new features.
Among these new features: thumbnail generation of your video's directly after upload, the ability to create a portal - a portal can contain a subset of the complete collection filter by keyword, label or user - a new wider lay-out, better tagging, searching, an improved player, 16:9 format, support for WebM, a news article section and lots more.
Plus we are very proud to be supported by providing us with translations of may parts of the software in dozens of languages.
See the release notes for a complete overview of everything new and fixed.
Open Images v1.0.2
Our latest and greatest, free to download and install yourself.
This release mainly features some new additions to the OAI-PMH feeds, including a new namespace oai_oi, some more Dublin Core and automatic field values for creator and publisher. Besides numerous bugs were fixed and new features were added between 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 of which some are listed in the release notes. If you want to know the exact changes we suggest to do a diff beteween both releases in our repository.
Some more links
Other usefull links, these point directly to our source repository and should be the most up-to-date versions.