
Mark Bain: Disco for N/One

Probably the world's tiniest disco. A project by Mark Bain, an American-Dutch media artist who works at the intersection of acoustics and architecture.


Someone once suggested that the ultimate nightclub would contain a progression of rooms that would increasingly determine who the most 'very important people' were. This succession of VIP lounges would gradually get more selective. At each threshold a decision is made, weeding out the inferior people until one person is left standing. That lone individual, at the top of the pyramid, has the coveted opportunity of entering the space for n/one, to be alone and relish in their greatness. As such Mark Bain describes 'Disco for N/one'. The work can be seen as a spatial compression, taking all the elements of a normal size night club - lighting, smoke, sound and cramming it into a 1x1 meter space. This activated desiring room cannot be entered: it is an intensified experience that cannot be felt. With a door that only opens part way, one can peek in to get a glimpse of what happens inside. Smoke piles out, lights are dancing, sound is pumping, and after locking the door closes automatically, shuttering, the outside world while inside the party continues. Being there and simultaneously not being there, are we dealing here with Pandora's box or is it a transition zone to some heavenly world? Or could it be an escape of hybristic proportions, a container for a narcissistic love affair with the idol of self?

Netherlands Media Art Institute / Mark Bain
12 januari 2002


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Netherlands Media Art Institute