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Is Budapest a livable, evolving city?
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- MP4 (640x480, hd 438.0 MB): 01/61/161771.161754.duna-3744-010416[..].mp4
- MP4 (640x480, sd ): 01/61/161769.161754.duna-3744-010416[..].mp4
- WEBM (640x480, sd 220.5 MB): 01/61/161773.161754.duna-3744-01041[..].webm
- OGV (384x288, sd 95.9 MB): 01/61/161765.161754.duna-3744-010416[..].ogv
- OGV (640x480, hd 328.4 MB): 01/61/161767.161754.duna-3744-010416[..].ogv
- MP4 (640x480, source 176.2 MB): 01/61/161754.duna-3744-01041600-0131[..].mp4
Evolving city? Livable city? Habitable city? The program attempts to analyze the problems that Budapest is facing. The advantages and disadvantages of the existing city development concepts are discussed. The current situation of the Hungarian construction sector is reviewed, with an extra focus on the growing number of new buildings displaying a lack of imagination, or even of taste. This is followed by an analysis of the reasons behind the lack of public areas dedicated for community life. The program presents the changes in the demographics of the Hungarian capital, and closes by taking a look at the harmful effects and health consequences of urban pollution.
- Tagapaglikha:
- Duna Televízió
- Petsa ng paglalathala:
- 11 July 2006
- Haba:
- 26:31
- Contributions:
- Kubínyi, Tamás (interviewer)
Lányi, András (interviewee)
Schneller, István (interviewee)
Jaksi, Kornél (director)
Kubínyi, Tamás (editor)
Jamrik, Levente (editor)
Vígh, Vendel (other)
Abonyi, Attila (other)
Tihanyi, Zoltán (other)
Sára, Balázs (other) - Uri:
- video
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