Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.
- Offertorium 03/19
- Offertorium (2000) is een moderne versie van Albee’s Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf. Edda en Wodan nodigen twee vreemdelingen uit om hun tot sleur verworden... (03:29) 25 Feb 2005
- Offertorium 02/19
- Offertorium (2000) is een moderne versie van Albee’s Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf. Edda en Wodan nodigen twee vreemdelingen uit om hun tot sleur verworden... (03:27) 25 Feb 2005
- Offertorium 01/19
- Offertorium (2000) is a modern day variation of Albee’s Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf. Edda and Wodan invite two strangers to perk up their stale marriage ... (04:15) 25 Feb 2005
- MacBeth 33/33
- Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (04:18) 27 Apr 2001
- MacBeth 32/33
- Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (03:21) 27 Apr 2001
- MacBeth 31/33
- Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (05:26) 27 Apr 2001
- MacBeth 30/33
- Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (03:52) 27 Apr 2001
- MacBeth 29/33
- Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (06:25) 27 Apr 2001
- MacBeth 28/33
- Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (04:32) 27 Apr 2001
- MacBeth 27/33
- Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the li... (03:18) 27 Apr 2001
Results from complete repository (10,724)
- Zuringwants loopt op berk
- Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (04:46) 15 Aug 2013
- Zuivel Friesche Coop. fabriek
- Filmreportage over bedrijvigheid in de Coop. Zuivelfabriek te Sneek. De aanvoer van de melk, de teruglevering van karnemelk, enkele beelden van de kaas en b... (11:03) 01 Jan 1923
- Zuivel (HD)
- Film uit 1925 over melkverwerking tot room, ondermelk, boter en melkpoeder in een aantal zuivelfabrieken. Overslag en verpakking van boter in kleinverpakkin... (10:53) 31 Dec 1924
- Efficiency marathon for self made vehicles
- Week number: 79-26Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:40) 01 Jan 1979
- Zuidlaarder paardenmarkt
- Weeknummer 46-43Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:53) 16 Oct 1946
- Zuiderzee Works
- Week number 28-05Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:07) 29 Feb 1928
- Zuiderzee Works
- Week number: 24-19Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (06:54) 01 Jul 1924
- The draining of the Zuiderzee
- Week number 30-30Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (03:08) 16 Nov 1930
- Zuiderzeesluizen werken het vele regenwater weg
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 43 uit 1932. (01:44) 16 Oct 1932
- Zuiderzeepolders
- Na 10 jaren arbeidFilm over de Zuiderzeepolders. (11:49) 01 Jan 1944