
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

The wild duck 01/25
The wild duck 01/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (05:17) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 01/25
The wild duck 01/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:34) 28 Mar 2003
Conjunto di NERO 13/13
Conjunto di NERO 13/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (02:17) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 12/13
Conjunto di NERO 12/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (05:10) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 11/13
Conjunto di NERO 11/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (03:36) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 10/13
Conjunto di NERO 10/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (08:17) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 09/13
Conjunto di NERO 09/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (03:33) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 08/13
Conjunto di NERO 08/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (07:43) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 07/13
Conjunto di NERO 07/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (03:49) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 06/13
Conjunto di NERO 06/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (04:33) 11 Jul 2001

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Results from complete repository (10,724)

Sailing contests
Sailing contests
Week number 65-35Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:06) 01 Aug 1965
Zeilwedstrijd met vissersvaartuigen
Zeilwedstrijd met vissersvaartuigen
Weeknummer 22-02Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:41) 14 May 1922
Sail wagon race
Sail wagon race
Week number 67-42Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:40) 01 Oct 1967
Zeilwagen op het strand
Zeilwagen op het strand
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 43 uit 1936. (00:48) 18 Oct 1936
Zeilvliegen in de bergen en langs de Nederlandse kust
Zeilvliegen in de bergen en langs de Nederlandse kust
Weeknummer 78-42Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (02:30) 01 Jan 1978
Zeilvereniging de amstel opent haar seizoen
Zeilvereniging de amstel opent haar seizoen
Weeknummer 22-02Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:16) 11 May 1922
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 36 uit 1939. (00:59) 27 Aug 1939
Zeilen op Loosdrechtse plassen
Zeilen op Loosdrechtse plassen
Weeknummer 62-18Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:26) 23 Apr 1962
Spiegel der beweging nr. 32, item 1NSB-propagandafilm. Reportage van zeilwedstrijden in verschillende klassen.  (01:02) 01 Jan 1943
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 45 uit 1935. (01:10) 03 Nov 1935

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