Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 3/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (07:19) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 2/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (06:28) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra cervello e movimento: Rosso 1/7
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (08:59) 18 Dec 1997
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 5/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:57) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 4/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:59) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 3/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (03:09) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 2/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (04:08) 01 Feb 1996
- Fra Cervello e Movimento: Bianco 1/5
- A dancer is joined by his double. His universe is invaded; the two bodies cross invisible boundaries, moving from the explosive to the exploratory in the se... (05:03) 01 Feb 1996
- Double Points: Two 6/6
- Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (04:52) 09 Nov 2008
- Double Points: Two 5/6
- Questioning the utopia of synchronicity by pursuing it at the same time (03:42) 09 Nov 1998
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Results from complete repository (10,724)
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 2 uit 1946. (02:03) 07 Jan 1946
- Zijne excellentie dr. J.R. Slotemaker de Bruine over het 50-...
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 29 uit 1935. (02:28) 14 Jul 1935
- His Excellency dr. J.R. Slotemaker De Bruine on the 50 years...
- Week number 35-29Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:28) 15 Jul 1935
- Zijdebij graaft een nest
- Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (04:00) 18 Jul 2013
- Zijdebij gluurt uit nestingang
- Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (02:34) 15 Aug 2013
- Zijaanzicht heidelibel aan riet
- Clip gemaakt in de natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (00:52) 01 Jan 2010
- Zigeuners opgejaagd, maar niet door de wind
- Inspraak 74Overzicht kampterrein. Het dagelijks leven van Roma's in een kamp in België. Ze overleven voornamelijk door het repareren van oude auto's. (50:57) 22 Feb 1974
- Zierikzee bestaat 1100 jaar
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 31 uit 1949. (01:43) 25 Jul 1949
- Ziektebestrijding en veredeling van bol- en knolgewassen
- Weeknummer 80-22Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:54) 01 Jan 1980
- Septuple wedding of Hungarian refugees
- Week number: 57-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:48) 15 Jan 1957
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